Karen H’s Comments
Some thoughts after Ladies Sailing Taster Evenings at Dabchicks Sailing Club
I am recently retired, with little previous experience of sailing, and was unexpectedly offered the chance of a weeks flotilla sailing later in the year. This, plus my previous enjoyment of two or three trips out as a passenger encouraged me into signing up for the Ladies Taster evenings at Dabchicks!
Everyone was friendly and encouraging, but I still approached the first sail with some trepidation. I needn’t have worried! Two of us were introduced to a Laser 2000 and its owner, who helmed (thankfully) until we were out of of the creek and all the moored boats. When we reached the Quarters I was handed the tiller and
steered a somewhat zigzag course and performed a circular tack!
This has now improved after four evening trips-my tacking is a little neater and steering more instinctive. We have experienced some beautiful peaceful sunsets, the exhilaration when the sails are full and the boat feels alive-also the adrenaline of a slow capsize! I have made many new friends. I love it!
Karen H