We hope you are enjoying the beginning of a promising sailing season. As we set…
Mersea Harbour Protection Trust – Update
Just a brief catch-up on how the recharge is getting on. Below is a link to a giff that Jim Pullen has produced as part of the annual monitoring report that has to go to the MMO. Although we have them for all the sites, I have just included Cob Marsh to give you an idea. What it shows is how the material as placed is moving “landward” by natural tide and wave forces and not offshore into any navigable waters. The same applies to Old Hall, Packing Marsh and Tollesbury Wick. Its on a repeat loop so if you miss it first time dont worry!
Also, for interest in how our coast around Mersea will need to change as sea levels rise is a short 8 minute video that an American documentary film maker friend of mine has put together. Its an edit of a 30 minute “talking head” video that he filmed last January while staying with me for a few days.
This little film I hope explains in easily understood language and aided enormously by Jim Pullen’s drone shots and others from the RSPB/Crossrail, why the mudflats and saltmarsh around Mersea are going to be vital to protecting us as sea levels rise. This will, inevitably within the next 50 years, see the sea walls by the Strood and on Feldy be so regularly over-topped that they will convert back to their original landscapes of salt marsh. The good news is that you will be able to sail again to the Peldon Plough!